Canada Poppers FAQs

Simple Questions – Simple Answers

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Before you contact support

where are you located

Southern Ontario

Is e-transfer the only payment method?


Why can't I pay by credit card

It’s the nature of the business, think about it.

How do you ship?

Canada Post.  XpressPost.

IWhy are your shipping prices so high?

We aren’t Amazon.  Also, have you looked into the prices of shipping in this country?

Do I have to use my real name?

No.  But make sure to use your real address.  We will not resend packages if addresses are entered incorrectly.

Why do I have to pay taxes?

Because we also have to pay taxes.

Is Canada Poppers legit?

Always trust your gut with online purchases.   Asking a website if they’re legit isn’t a good way to get an answer if they’re legit.

Can I have a refund?

We will always work with you to make things right, however many scams involve refunds.  Also, we can’t jeopardize our anonymity by sending refunds.

What do I do if something is wrong with my order?

Don’t open any packaging.  Take a picture of the products, contact us and we’ll make it right.